Saturday, 15 November 2008


REGRETS AND RENOVATIONS go together like cheese and crackers.

Have you ever had a renovation go terribly wrong. Contracted the wrong handyman to do the job you saved a life time for. You know the one that promised the world and did not and could not deliver.

Name and shame them. (I mean give that trades man some well deserved publicity) That's what I say. Save someone else from these dodgy tradesmen.

I have gotten to the point where I don't trust anyone. I know one thing for sure the next time I do pluck up the courage to employ and tradesman I will have my trusty tape player ready to record the amazing promises. And heaven help the next tradesman ready to rip me off.

Let's hear your story of OMG renovations. DIY and the like.

Mine is a Driveway $9000. big plug to (name coming soon) pictures to come soon as well...

Thursday, 9 October 2008

Saving more and Earning less

I don't know know about you but I am sick and tired with Banks being deceitful in their advertising. Eg: A certain Bank advertised, open a high interest account with us and receive 8.10% on your savings, if you already have an account we will give you 8.10% for every dollar you bank from the start of this promotional period. Sounds good. I later discover the the 6point print at the very bottom of a very long page its continues..if you have had an account with us prior to June 2008 this offer does not apply...Gotcha!

Here is another

an offer of 7.51% if you invest in a term deposit for 5months. sounds good. for the sake of this blog according to the banks calculator I should receive $2009 interest for this period...I agree and join up.. on receiving the details after the account is set up. It states my interest on maturity would be $2000.. not much of a difference not enough to bother to complain agree...

Imagine how many customers are being ripped off $9.00 on their investment. 1000 clients 10,000 clients maybe 200,000 clients I think you can see where this is heading.

$9 x 200,000 = $1,800,000... I wonder if I could get away with doing that...


Friday, 15 February 2008


What do you do when your husband thinks close enough is good enough, when it really isn't.

I like everything to be neat and tidy, a place for everything and everything in it's place. I just can't tolerate chaos. I think Martha Stewart gave me up for adoption at birth. I am slowly but surely getting to the point where I can't do things for myself. Having to rely on my darling hubby for allot of things. He didn't deserve me that's for sure.

Mowing the yard is something I used to do. Now my husband does it. But when he mows it looks like someone with a very bad hair cut, weeds sticking up here and there and everywhere. Almost like he is mowing with a blind fold on......Arrgh..every time he go's to use the mower its broken,the edger broken.blower that's right broken...always a major chore...

I have watched him vacuum the carpet with much the same result, he vacuums around pieces of cotton laying on the carpet. I know I sound ungrateful, and I hate that about myself. But is it to much to ask if your going to do something, you would do well, not just to say well that's done for another month... that's right month. How am I going to get used to this new life.

Don't get me wrong I do allot when you consider my situation, wheelchair bound is the hardest thing to get used to, when you were independent. No one should have to live this's a hell of a cruel joke...

The only solution I think is to get a gardener, because gardening is harder than house keeping. Then at least the house will look more inviting. I would rather pay someone to do the yard, as I can eventually get the house clean.

my bitch for today...thanks for listening

Tuesday, 5 February 2008


A have read many very cute and funny blogs about families, mums and cute toddlers usually. The funny things toddlers say and do. It puts a smile to my face and brings a tear to eye when I think back to the toddler days in my house.


Why doesn't any one blog about their cute teenagers.?
How helpful they are around the house.
How loving and appreciative they are for everything their parents did and still do for them.
How they go out of their way to help others, you know, put others first.
How they keep their room clean and tidy just like their mums taught them.
Maybe parents could create an "OUR SPACE" just for parents where they could name and shame their teenage children.

We could place a picture before and after, to warn new parents of what can and in all probability will happen to that cute and adorable toddler.

It could also serve as a place where we can scream and let out our disappointment and frustration. Maybe someone could offer suggestions to parents, survival techniques for those teenage years.

We have all heard of the terrible two, but no one warned me of the terrifying teens.

Cute toddler verses shitty teenager.

I would love to hear about a teenager who has remembered anything that their parents taught them.

I know what you are going to say, It's just a stage. They will grow out of it.
I know that it's just a stage but I am wondering if I will live through it..

Sunday, 20 January 2008

A day for change

Today is a good day for change. "They" say "A sure sign of insanity is to continue doing the same thing over and over the same way and expect a different result".

Not saying that is what I do, but I tend to change for a short time and then settle back into old habits, and yes, I expect things to change. (I must be Insane) Like I can make it change, because I want it to change. Dah...I guess it is the stubborn streak in me. Believing I have control over the end result, but unwilling to approach the problem in a different way.

I have descided today, as today is as good as any day. Not to mention its a day after my BIRTHDAY. To keep a diary of what I eat. and Record my health and weight progress. Plan only one day at a time. Just like an alcoholic I guess. I will treat food in just the same way. Monitor what I put into my mouth. 1 mouthful at a time.
I think I am having a light bulb moment.

NO I am not ready to post to the world, my diary, even though I know no one reads this Blog.

Thursday, 17 January 2008

The humble Egg

Remember when I said I would eat eggs every day for a month, this is day 3 I think.


How many ways can you have eggs.


Not sure I can do this..
Do You think if I ate chicken it would be the same..??? just a question

Wednesday, 16 January 2008

A Barrel load of Vitamins

I have been feeling pretty bad of late. You see for health reasons I take a barrel of vitamins every day. Just recently I have gotten hooked on frozen yogurt + fruit smoothies. and I was feeling great. Well as I was feeling so great I thought I would stop taking my barrel load of vitamins, after all they say you can't beat good wholesome food, to get all the vitamins you need.

Well that was great but I think it may have been the reason my cholesterol shot through the cholesterol barrier. Doc says I should avoid dairy, and all animal products.

Well that's when I started wilting, and it was a fast decline. As I had forgotten to resume my barrel load of vitamins each and every day.

Light bulb moment...take the vitamins....Am feeling so much better now.

Now Cholesterol...had a visit from a friend just he said that EGGS was the way to go...brought his cholesterol down so low it could not get a reading..

Remember the doctor said no animal products....I am taking up the challenge..two a day for 1 month...and then back to test my cholesterol... reading as of last visit was 6.8...I was shocked to. So I guess I will prove the doctor wrong or this will kill me..

Watch this space for results....mid February.

Sunday, 13 January 2008


is any one out there!
please confirm. over

Saturday, 12 January 2008

Piss of Shitty thoughts

I have felt so sick the last couple of days. I hate feeling sorry for myself, but I have days when I am dragged so far down, it is hard to keep positive. I continually remind myself that this is much better than the alternative.

Have you ever just shut your eyes, and wondered what it would be like never to open them again. I have. That's where POST comes in. PISS OFF SHITTY THOUGHTS And this saves me.

Visited my GP a few days ago. I felt worse when I left. Good news Blood pressure is good, bad news Cholesterol not so good..

So I have a challenge ahead of me to reduce my cholesterol. Bad fats ,Good Fats.

So I guess the rule is if it tastes good its bad, if it tates bad it' good.

I think I'm doomed.

If some one had asked me 10 years ago where I thought I would be today. I would never had thought I would have had any health issues. Boy, I have hit the jackpot.

So a lesson to each and every one out there. Do not put of till tomorrow what you can do today.
Because tomorrow, you may not have any choice.

Wednesday, 9 January 2008

Shit Here We Go Again!

This Picture was borrowed from

I got up this morning, my first thoughts were "shit here we go again".

I quickly dismissed the thought "POST" a saying my patient husband taught me "piss off shitty thoughts" I never thought I could, but I have learnt it's the only way I could or would survive."POST" "POST" POST"

I struggled out of bed, that's step 1, just to sit up and manoeuvre my legs over the side of the bed is a huge accomplishment in itself, don't stop now I say to myself (I do allot of that, more like encouraging myself, no I am not mad)
Step 2 to sit in my not so reliable chariot to answer a nature call. (Sorry it Happens)
Step 3 Drape a robe over self just encase my girls had a friend over, after all I did not want to pay for their counseling session because I had caused them a traumatic experience. Poor Dears
Step 4 Make sure I don't destroy anything left in my path, pick up as I go....

I tell my self to count my blessings "laughing out load" it could be worse. At least I can get out of bed to answer a nature call. BIG PLUS

So now I say "Good Morning World" Breathe breathe breathe 1 2 3 4 5 6 ....

Sunday, 6 January 2008

I am Legend (Not)

Star Rating

Went to the movie's last night, First bad choice for the year.

All I can say is I hope they had more fun making this movie then I had watching.

This theme has been done to death, and has been done so much better.
Could not warm to the character's, and I tried. .....Not even the dog. ....
Will Smith tried his best to make something out of nothing (script wise) . I think this would probably impress a young audience of about 12 years of age.

The character came closer to being "The last Man In the Theatre is all alone" and that would have had nothing to do with a virus. Sorry Will.

Thursday, 3 January 2008

Why are people so unkind?

I sit in my lounge room and watch the news, I see the ugly side of man in all his forms. We are constantly bombarded with doom and gloom and violence everywhere.

Todays news is filled with the troubles in Pakistan, the ugly side. I never considered there was another side. Always a Country full of unrest. I never considered anything else. I guess that's probably just me OR NOT. The Media control us, the way we think and feel and most of us don't even realise it.

please take 4 min to view this video that was posted on youtube.
I for one never even considered the beautiful side of Pakistan.


Stop Complaining.

The next time I am feeling sorry for myself I am going to think of this poor guy.
OMG.This is what they mean when they say there are worse things than death.

Wednesday, 2 January 2008

Song for January 2008

Thanks to my new best Friend :thegoodknife: who visited my site I stumbled across this amazing band "Danny Wilson" what a groove. Just love the song and the Band.

Mary's Prayer (Danny Wilson)

Everything is wonderful
Being here is heavenly
Every single day, she says
Everything is free

I used to be so careless
As if I couldn't care less
Did I have to make mistakes?
When I was Mary's prayer

Suddenly the heavens rolled
Suddenly the rain came down
Suddenly was washed away
The Mary that I knew

So when you find somebody who gives
Think of me and celebrate
I made such a big mistake
When I was Mary's Prayer

So if I say save me save me
Be the light in my eyes
And if I say ten Hail Mary's
Leave a light on heaven for me

Blessed is the one who shares
The power and your beauty,
Mary Blessed is the millionaire
Who shares your wedding day

So when you find somebody to give
Think of me and celebrate
I made such a big mistake
When I was Mary's Prayer



If you want the fruit to fall
You have to give the tree a shake
But if you shake the tree too hard,
The bough is gonna break

And if I can't reach the top of the tree
Mary you can hold me up there
What I wouldn't give to be
When I was Mary's prayer



Save me, save me
Be the light in my eyes
What I wouldn't give to be
When I was Mary's prayer

What I wouldn't give to be
When I was Mary's prayer
What I wouldn't give to be (save me)
When I was Mary's prayer

Tuesday, 1 January 2008

Stop and Smell the Roses

Another year has come and gone. Its time I took a good look at where I am in my life's journey. Hmmm. Well that did not take long...

Will I join the millions and make yet again another "New Year resolution" just to forget what it was I had resolved to change.
I think this year I will just stop and smell the roses. If I do that, I believe everything will improve on it's on accord. Tolerance,Patients,Less stress. good start I think.

Life goes past so quickly, this year I want to savour every second, LIVE IN THE MOMENT, sounds easy, I hope it is. You see I am a control freak and I think I have to be 10 steps ahead and so I am never able to enjoy the present. So it wont be easy.

So yes! New Years Resolution "LIVE IN THE MOMENT'

If you have a New Years Resolution I would love to hear what it is.