Saturday, 12 January 2008

Piss of Shitty thoughts

I have felt so sick the last couple of days. I hate feeling sorry for myself, but I have days when I am dragged so far down, it is hard to keep positive. I continually remind myself that this is much better than the alternative.

Have you ever just shut your eyes, and wondered what it would be like never to open them again. I have. That's where POST comes in. PISS OFF SHITTY THOUGHTS And this saves me.

Visited my GP a few days ago. I felt worse when I left. Good news Blood pressure is good, bad news Cholesterol not so good..

So I have a challenge ahead of me to reduce my cholesterol. Bad fats ,Good Fats.

So I guess the rule is if it tastes good its bad, if it tates bad it' good.

I think I'm doomed.

If some one had asked me 10 years ago where I thought I would be today. I would never had thought I would have had any health issues. Boy, I have hit the jackpot.

So a lesson to each and every one out there. Do not put of till tomorrow what you can do today.
Because tomorrow, you may not have any choice.

Wednesday, 9 January 2008

Shit Here We Go Again!

This Picture was borrowed from

I got up this morning, my first thoughts were "shit here we go again".

I quickly dismissed the thought "POST" a saying my patient husband taught me "piss off shitty thoughts" I never thought I could, but I have learnt it's the only way I could or would survive."POST" "POST" POST"

I struggled out of bed, that's step 1, just to sit up and manoeuvre my legs over the side of the bed is a huge accomplishment in itself, don't stop now I say to myself (I do allot of that, more like encouraging myself, no I am not mad)
Step 2 to sit in my not so reliable chariot to answer a nature call. (Sorry it Happens)
Step 3 Drape a robe over self just encase my girls had a friend over, after all I did not want to pay for their counseling session because I had caused them a traumatic experience. Poor Dears
Step 4 Make sure I don't destroy anything left in my path, pick up as I go....

I tell my self to count my blessings "laughing out load" it could be worse. At least I can get out of bed to answer a nature call. BIG PLUS

So now I say "Good Morning World" Breathe breathe breathe 1 2 3 4 5 6 ....

Sunday, 6 January 2008

I am Legend (Not)

Star Rating

Went to the movie's last night, First bad choice for the year.

All I can say is I hope they had more fun making this movie then I had watching.

This theme has been done to death, and has been done so much better.
Could not warm to the character's, and I tried. .....Not even the dog. ....
Will Smith tried his best to make something out of nothing (script wise) . I think this would probably impress a young audience of about 12 years of age.

The character came closer to being "The last Man In the Theatre is all alone" and that would have had nothing to do with a virus. Sorry Will.