Saturday, 14 July 2007


Last night my daughter performed at a Country Singing Competition. She is influenced by Norah Jones , Dixie Chicks, Missy Higgens and Brooke Fraser

Well as you know AUSTRALIAN country is usually about dreary everyday events sung in what should be an entertaining and interesting way. What I heard last night could never be called entertaining but dreary fits well.. It was dreary everyday events sung in a dreary way. Every song blended into the next. It was miserable. Tight throats, nasal voices, sharp notes every where and lack lustre performances. The judges had a terrible job to determine a winner. NO stand out today.

Some sounded like Mickey Mouse on helium.

My daughter did not fill THE bill for dreary country. THANK GOD and would never want to.

Had my daughter been well her choice of numbers would have been "Sin Wagon" a dynamic Dixie Chicks number. (believe me if she did she would been booed of the stage, this audience was not ready for that)... She was still getting over a major cold so settled for something less taxing "Life Line" a Brooke Fraser number. YES she should have blitz the competition.

She has a jaw dropping performance. That's the gene she gets from me.


Friday, 13 July 2007

WEDDING DAY----Someone like you.

please click the above link to hear Van Morrison sing Someone like you

We married at the Victoria and Albert Guesthouse, a grand old building built in 1914 with high ceilings and antique furniture, steep stairways and narrow hall ways. We booked the front room for the ceremony and the reception. The only guests we invited were 4 of our closest friends, to act as witnesses for us and share in what was a magical and memorable day.

The front room boasted high ceilings and heavy drapes that covered stained glass windows, combine this with an open fireplace and the scene is set, and it is perfect.

We exchanged our vows in front of the large fireplace. My husband surprised me with a song he had chosen "Van Morrisson - Someone like you" and arranged to have it played during our marriage vows. This has become our song....I was overwhelmed as I knew it was from his heart and that is what makes this special. It still brings tears to my eyes each time I hear it. This song is meaningfull to both of us, because we both had been married before and had failed, and now to actually find each other and know it was right this time, well the lyrics in this song just said it all.

After signing the marriage certificate, we relaxed at a beautifully layed out table with sumptious feast that was prepaired just for us, we enjoyed each others company, drank the finest wine and had a smoke or 2.

This day was one of the most relaxed and memorable days in my life. And will remain one of my fondest merories...

We will be seeing Van Morrison Live at the Opera House next month. WOW

Thursday, 12 July 2007


I am having a few bad days of late. And thanks to the invention of Prozac I am able to cope.

I just keep reminding myself of a saying 'this to will pass" not sure if it is a saying but whatever. It keeps me going from one day till the next. Knowing that whenever I am having a very bad day tomorrow WILL be better.

Not to long ago I was younger, leaner and healthier, (those were the days) I would wake up early in the morning and get everything and everyone organized, breakfast on the table for the family, housework would be done before anyone was out of bed some days, AH Yes I was eager to face a full and productive day. There were times I worked three jobs. No one could keep up with me.


God how things have changed. I am not complaining, but it is so BLOODY unfair. My faith has been tested, not sure I pass the test either. Still have trouble excepting my fate. I mean there is so much sickness in the world, I mean if I was GOD, could I, would I, just watch all the misery and do nothing. I know I would have to fix everything make it right. No more suffering, plenty to eat for everyone. you know just give everyone an equal starting point.

I hate the fact that I struggle out of bed everyday, I had plans damn it. I guess what I want to get across through this post today is, get the most out of each day and every day, stop getting upset about little things, because believe me when I tell you if you have your health you have everything that matters. You can not know what tomorrow will bring.

I had no idea my life could be turned upside down in this way, I traveled through life without any major health worries, no one in my family did either. Then at a ripe old age of 45 this happened, out of the blue. almost 9 years later and I still can't adjust to the new me. But I am working on it as I have no choice.......

Sorry this is a shit post to day...

Sunday, 8 July 2007


I married at a ridiculous age of 18. 36 years ago. GOD DON'T I SOUND OLD
Eight years after we married we were blessed with a beautiful baby boy He was the most beautiful baby in the nursery I'm sure everyone who saw him thought so as well. 15 hours labour, but hey’ it was all worth it. Any how needless to say that marriage did not last longer than 10 years and one son. Pretty good don't you think? After all I was only 18, what did I know. I mean would you let your daughter get married at 18.

I wouldn't recommend divorce to any one. Especially when children are involved. They are the true victims of divorce. But having said that; once you have exhausted every avenue to save a marriage, only then have you earned the right to end a marriage.

Any how BACK TO ME I spoiled my son, I guess I felt guilty, and thought I should make it up to him. You know the broken home guilt trip thingy. Then three years later along came husband no 2 and another baby girl making us a total of four.
18 mths passed and we were blessed with another healthy dark haired princess, I decided that same day to shoot the stork and close up shop as I had done my share to help populate our country.

I am here to tell everyone that you can survive motherhood. I had no idea how tough it was going to be. Nothing could have prepared me for what has happened in our lives. All the love and care and planning in the world cannot prevent some events from happening. I cannot even bring myself to tell you what they are. But believe me when I say we have survived hell. and it has changed my family. I think we are stronger now, I have learned that we can handle pretty much anything that life can throw at us.

Eight years ago I got the worse news ever. I was diagnosed with MS. I grieved for five years for the loss of my former self. I use a wheelchair now as my legs have become useless, I am a different person now, some things for the better, I see everything so differently since this has happened, what was once important in life no longer is, don't sweat the small stuff. Life is to bloody hard and most days I cope with my lot and then there days I could end it. I am luckier then some people I know, so things could be worse. The good thing is I have become less rigid in my thinking and more relaxed with every day things. The stress I had put on myself to be the perfect mother,wife, housekeeper was killing me. This was Gods way of slowing me down…
God could have got that message across to me some other way surely.

I have 3 healthy children and a saint for a husband that deserves better than me. (Poor thing) We spend all day every day together, and have done for the last 19 years. I don't think I would want it any other way.
Having said that I still enjoy my alone times, when he does the shopping etc.

We love each other as much now as we did when we first met, if not more, we laugh allot, we understand each other I believe we are a perfect match besides I don’t think any body else would put up with either one of us. We are opposites in most things especially how we want everything done so that’s makes for some interesting dialogue. I like things done today where he would rather leave what ever he can for another day. But somehow it works.

to be continued......…….if you like.