Thursday, 12 July 2007


I am having a few bad days of late. And thanks to the invention of Prozac I am able to cope.

I just keep reminding myself of a saying 'this to will pass" not sure if it is a saying but whatever. It keeps me going from one day till the next. Knowing that whenever I am having a very bad day tomorrow WILL be better.

Not to long ago I was younger, leaner and healthier, (those were the days) I would wake up early in the morning and get everything and everyone organized, breakfast on the table for the family, housework would be done before anyone was out of bed some days, AH Yes I was eager to face a full and productive day. There were times I worked three jobs. No one could keep up with me.


God how things have changed. I am not complaining, but it is so BLOODY unfair. My faith has been tested, not sure I pass the test either. Still have trouble excepting my fate. I mean there is so much sickness in the world, I mean if I was GOD, could I, would I, just watch all the misery and do nothing. I know I would have to fix everything make it right. No more suffering, plenty to eat for everyone. you know just give everyone an equal starting point.

I hate the fact that I struggle out of bed everyday, I had plans damn it. I guess what I want to get across through this post today is, get the most out of each day and every day, stop getting upset about little things, because believe me when I tell you if you have your health you have everything that matters. You can not know what tomorrow will bring.

I had no idea my life could be turned upside down in this way, I traveled through life without any major health worries, no one in my family did either. Then at a ripe old age of 45 this happened, out of the blue. almost 9 years later and I still can't adjust to the new me. But I am working on it as I have no choice.......

Sorry this is a shit post to day...


paisley said...

i am not sure i understand what you are suffering from... depression??? menopause??? an undisclosed health ailment???

i feel for you.. feeling older is bad enough without the further complication of any of the above....

Ann Non said...

I spoke about my life changing event in the post 8th july you will find out there. I hate even repeating. Still in denial. Can't you tell I have a handle on this problem...NOT.
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