Gambling is killing our Society,
The lure of easy money reaches out it's tentacles and touches all of us in one way or another.
It has the power to destroy the life of the gambler and everyone who knows them. Yet our Governments sit back and rake in the taxes generated by this misery.Gambling establishments boast of how much they are doing to support sporting communities with the profits made, (how nice).
Casinoes, and clubs continually send out invitations to lure you back, with the offer of "happy hour" hoping you will be temtped by the flashing coloured lights to drop just one more coin into the machine before you leave. Even placing ATM machines on the premises so you can not only empty your wallett but your bank account as well.
Do you believe it's the fault of the individual, after all they should know when to stop and go home. Or are we all to blame in someway.
Every day we are enticed to participate in one form of gambling or another with the promise of anything from a new car to a holiday it only takes the cost of 1 phone call, and you could be the lucky winner. For Pete's sake even church group's want you to participate. Just a bit of fun, fundraising. Bingo any one...?
Many are strong and can resist this temptation but there are twice as many that are not. They keep dreaming that the next ticket, the next coin will bring a windfall and everything will be perfect.
What can we do about it? Do we put our head's in the sand and just not think about it until it touches someone close to us.? Well?
I refuse to enter another gambling establishment,
I refuse to enter a lottery.
If we ALL did this maybe these pits of despair would shut down....
What is the dream world of the compulsive gambler?
Courtesy of GA
This is another common characteristic of compulsive gamblers. A lot of time is spent creating images of the great and wonderful things they are going to do as soon as they make the big win. They often see themselves as quite philanthropic and charming people. They may dream of providing families and friends with new cars, mink coats and other luxuries. Compulsive gamblers picture themselves leading a pleasant and gracious life, made possible by the huge sums of money they will accrue from their "system". Servants, penthouses, nice clothes, charming friends, yachts and world tours are a few of the wonderful things that are just around the corner after a big win is finally made.
Pathetically, however, there never seems to be a win big enough to make even the smallest dream come true. When compulsive gamblers succeed, they gamble to dream still greater dreams. When failing, they gamble in reckless desperation and the depths of their misery are fathomless as their dream world comes crashing down.
Sadly, they will struggle back, dream more dreams and of course suffer more misery. No one can convince them that their great schemes will not someday come true. They believe they will. For without this dream world, life for them would not be tolerable.