Tuesday 14 August 2007


The Internet has opened up a whole new way for consumers to get ripped off.
We have independent auction houses, we have direct warehouses, we have smartstore, discontinued stock outlets, and don't forget EBay. and I am sure you know of many others.

We can buy with points just so we don't feel like we are using cash, that's the cash you used to purchase the points in the first place remember.

Then you get the inflated retail price that sellers post, just so you think you are getting a bargain when your not. Then we get the inferior product masquerading as the real thing. The list goes on and on and on.

I am not saying that there are not bargains out there. But you have to do your homework first.

The internet is a powerful tool, so you can instantly compare prices. It is obvious many buyers don't and these cunning calous sellers are taking advantage and are making a killing at your expence. So don't become a victim. SURF around.

Check to see if the manufacturer has a presence on the WWW. Is this an affiliate program, dont give your hard earned cash to a maddle, middle middle middle man.

Many of us don't have the luxury to go from shop to shop to compare prices and we do most of our shopping via the net. so the saying BUYER BEWARE caries a bigger punch.

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